The NDE and Reincarnation | |
The true resurrection | |
He considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children who were spontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk. He was able to rule out each alternative explanation using one or more aspects of these cases. Later research has even bolstered his case in favor of the existence of reincarnation. His study is also completely reproducible which means that anybody who doubts the validity of this study is perfectly welcome to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a short matter of time before his discovery of the existence of reincarnation is finally realized by the scientific community and the world to be accepted as one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. Many people have misconceptions about reincarnation. One particular misconception is that it means we don't dwell in heaven between reincarnations or that we immediately reincarnate after death. Near-death experiences prove this misconception to be just that - a misconception. This is because time as we know it does not exist in the spirit world. A person can literally spend an "eternity" in the spirit realms, if they wish to do so, and have the freedom to decide if they want to reincarnate or not. The ultimate goal of reincarnation is to learn enough lessons from Earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary. For more information about reincarnation and the NDE, visit my research conclusions on this subject. Many Christians would be very surprised that there are a tremendous number of references to reincarnation in the Bible. The most compelling references in the Bible can be found within the teachings of Jesus concerning John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet. Here are the major verses: (01) (02 and 03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10). More information concerning the history of reincarnation in Christianity can be found on my Christian NDEs and Reincarnation page. | |
NDE and Reincarnation Research | |
NDE and Reincarnation Examples | |
Reincarnation Case Studies | |
Other Reincarnation Case Studies | |
"How can you make denial of Allah, who made you live again when you died, will make you dead again, and then alive again, until you finally return to him?" - the Koran [2.28] |
Reincarnation and near-death experiences
Reincarnation and near-death experiences