
Overcoming The Flinch | Social Media Explorer

Overcoming The Flinch | Social Media Explorer

by · December 7, 2011
Julien Smith’s new book, out today and part of Seth Godin’s Domino Project, is essentially about overcoming our core human instincts to flinch under pressure. Granted, flinching isn’t always bad — it can protect you from danger — but the main type of flinching Smith hopes we can work around are the types that keep us from controlling our destiny, accomplishing our dreams and doing the things we truly want to do but are often afraid of.

The Flinch is not just a business book. It’s an inspirational book for anyone who has some hurdle they wish to accomplish. Whether it’s lose weight, get that big promotion or even break the ice with that handsome guy at the coffee shop, this book will help you learn to recognize your own flinch mechanism and give you some actionable steps to rid yourself of the hesitation.

Like other books in the Domino Project, The Flinch is short, manifesto-style, easy-to-read and pithy. (And since this one is sponsored by the Domino Project, it’s actually available for FREE as an e-book.) Smith’s style really shines in this work. And it’s different from that of his Trust Agents co-author. While those of us who have been reading Julien for years have seen it on his thought-provoking blog, it’s nice for the publishing world and mainstream folks to be able to hear his distinctive voice.

The Flinch - Julien Smith

Smith make’s you think. He pushes your boundaries and perhaps even makes you a bit uncomfortable at times. The Flinch is certainly all about making you uncomfortable, but in good ways. We have to become uncomfortable if we’re ever going to grow and blossom into that person we know we can be.

While there is one point in the book when you think Smith is trying to advocate for the independent, rage-against-the-machine lifestyle he leads, the principles in The Flinch can be applied to any situation. If you want to be a corporate climber — a suit — you’re still going to need to overcome your own genetic disposition to flinch. So anyone can get something out of this book. And I, for one, think everyone should buy it, read it and try to soak up the lessons. We’ll all be happier with ourselves if we do.

I don’t do many singular reviews of books anymore, choosing rather to lump several into one big video review, so you know this book is an exception to the rule for me. And it’s not because I know Julien and want to see a friend do well with his book. I wrote this review and want you to go download The Flinch for yourself for one reason and one reason alone:

When I put it down, the first thing I wanted to do was find my own brick wall and run through it. When you finish, that’s what you’ll want to do.

The Flinch is available on Amazon in electronic format for free.